What does it mean to not 'grumble or dispute'?

What does it mean to not 'grumble or dispute'?

What does it mean to ‘not grumble or complain’? Does it mean to keep silent or just go along with things? Or does it mean that we ought to deal with people honestly and straightforwardly? This article looks at this phrase and some practicaly ways to deal with conflict.

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Apocalyptic. No, not the kind with Nic Cage at the end of the world. But the kind that reveals the true nature of things. What’s this pandemic revealed about us? About you? About our needs and fears? This short article looks at four characteristics that have been exposed during the pandemic, and how to remedy them.

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Your Role in Race Relations

Your Role in Race Relations

How are you navigating the conflict at the heart of our nation? What are you doing with the complex emotions you feel around the deaths of black men and women? Do you feel like your way of life is being threatened?

This blog post is written to help white folks figure out the role they’re playing in race relations. Based on the Karpman Triangle, you’ll be able to understand if you’re playing the victim, offender, or rescuer…and how you can move towards ownership.

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At the Heart of the Opioid Epidemic

At the Heart of the Opioid Epidemic

The Opioid epidemic has many contributors, from prescription drug profits, high school football injuries, insurance companies, to false research supporting their prescription. But at the heart of this epidemic is a critical question:

What do you do with your pain?

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The singing mentor

The singing mentor

To be told stories is to be mentored. To grow up as a young man and hear stories from the old men is an invaluable gift, to be neglected those stories is to be malnourished and cursed. Here's a short reflection on how Tom Petty served in this role for me, as well as how we should serve in that role for others.

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